

Cainian Chrolicle

Posted by Sorath Helasson Vidarsson | Posted in | Posted on 10:42



“The second and the third generation though he became ruler of a mighty nation, he was still alone, for none was as he. His sorrow grew once again. Then he committed another great sin, for he beget more progeny of whom there were only three, but from them came more progeny, Caine’s grandchilder, and then Caine said: “ and end to this crime there shall be no more”. And as Caine’s word was the law, his brood obeyed him, but the city stood for many ages, and became the centre of a mighty empire”

Standing at the gates of my brother’s world
Standing at the gates of Seth’s city
Standing at the gates of a New World

I came to drown my dismal sorrow
I came to hide my mark of damnation
I came to be the ruler of a mighty nation

Yet I became the great king of blood
Ruler of the biggest empire of silence
My sorrow grew again by my sin

I beget progeny to habit my kingdom
I beget three progenies of my own
I committed another great sin

And so my off springs grew in number
The sons of my sons, my grandchilder
And my brood was born by my sin

Therefore my world became the true law
My crime will have an end
And there shall be no more of my brood

However my great empire of Cimmeries
Stood for many ages for an aeon long
My empire center of the great nation

But the anger of the lord above
Made a deluge fall down to earth
And the flood washed over the world

My great empire of Cimmerian power
Was flooded and destroyed
And all its people along with it

I fell again into a gloomy sorrow
I fell again into my loneliness
I fell again into emptiness

I had to leave my progeny to their end
I had to abandon them to their own end
Because I become as a dog seeking wastes

But my kindred, my brood of blood
Came to me and begged me to return
To rebuilt the mighty city as once was

So I did not come back with them
Because the deluge was sent as a punishment
For my return to the world of life.

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