

Cainian Chronicle

Posted by Sorath Helasson Vidarsson | Posted in | Posted on 9:52


“Cursed son of Adam, indeed the god’s Mercy is great, inclinate thy head to him, And repent the sin of thine now, for before it’s too late”

“Not by his grace but by my own, I choose to live with pride in darkness, your “merciful” deity disgusts me, his kingdom infested my life with lies”

“Thou sad and irreverent fool, have thee no shame? Thou shalt forever fear the light of the living flame, thou shalt forever eat ashes and drink blood”

Now I am free to fly through night
With my devilish wings of dark fate
My crime, the prize of immortality

But cursed at thrice by his archangels
My night will be endless forever
The shelter from the sun the shadows of night

After Raphael, silvering winged angel
Came the reaper of black wings Uriel
And thence my blood forever cursed will be

I cried crimson tears of anguish
My dismal night forever will be
The moon the merciful one to me

The blood of my blood, childer of my own
Never in light could habit again
The path of Golconda our redemption will be

The bright eyed demoness Lilith
Showed me how to hide from
The eyes of they who dare hunt us

The bright eyed dark goddess
Showed me how to command obedience
And the demon respect

The crimson blood of my lady Lilith
Gave to me greater powers of dusk
Control of all beast and perceiver beyond sight

I could alter forms and flow through the night
The supremacy of vampiric powers
Awaken me to the night at last
-The prize of my damnation-

Eventually I had to run away from Nod
I had to abandon my lady Lilith
To set me free in the land of life

I had to flee from my land of sorrow
I had to get back to the land of my brother
To drown the pain and grief of my soul

Therefore I returned to the world of mortals
To the world of perpetual light
To the world of my brother and his childer

And so I returned to the world of mortals
To the empire that the third born, Seth
And his second and third generation had created.

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