

First Part of the Cainian Chronicle.

Posted by Sorath Helasson Vidarsson | Posted in | Posted on 15:43

...Perpetual grief...
- To thee the grief is perpetual because thou art a vampire, the evil depends on thee, but thou shalt always live from shadows and in shadows.
- Thy devilish wings never will take thee to the everlasting rest in paradise, to the everlasting bright in heaven.
- -Lost paradise-

The tears of thine fall to the dust
Crying for thy sinful pain
Thy punishment eternal solitude

Thou once bright in purity
But thou kill'd out of love
Now thou impure in original sin

Thou sacrifi'd thy kinsman
To embrace a love out of love
But it was thy mistake made

Thine tears fall to the dust
Crying for thy sinful pain
Thy punishment, eternal solitude

Banish'd by thy lord of hope
Thou hast to wander in the lands beyond
In the land of eternal shadows and fog
-The land of NOD-

Thou cryest in silence
Thou screamest in silence
And I came to comfort thy suffering
-Matter tenebra-

I am the daughter of the night
Bride of the infinite darkness
Perpetual mother of the vampires
-I am Lilith-

I flied free through the night
I run to the land of forgetfulness
I escaped from the web of the lord

I grew in darkness alone
I fed my withered soul with ashes
I rose my power from dust and grief
-I am matter tenebra-

I shall embrace a being as cursed as thou
To be one of my children, son of blood
I shall give to thee my power and dusk

But to thee the grief is perpetual
Because thou art reborn as a vampire
And thy power and life depend on life

And thy devilish wings will never take thee
Back to the everlasting rest in paradise
Back to the everlasting glare of thine paradise lost
-Thou my king of Nod-

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