

Second Part of the Cainian Chronicle.

Posted by Sorath Helasson Vidarsson | Posted in | Posted on 16:13


“in the beginning there was only Caine, Caine who sacrificed his brother out of love, Caine who was cast out, Caine who was cursed forever with immortality, Caine who was cursed with the lust for blood, it is Caine from whom we all come, our sire’s sire, for the passing of an age, he lived in the land of Nod, in loneliness and suffering, for an aeon he remanded alone. But the passing of a memory drowned his sorrow”

I am the first born son of the first ones
Who grew in the flourishing world of mortals
Protector of the fruits of the mother earth

I am the first born son of the one above
As beauteous as the bloody roses
As pale as the shining moon

I am Caine of Nod first born of Adam
Who caresses the darkness and the gloom
The melancholy of the roses is my own

But a dark fate born by my desire
The black clouds filed the sky
In the shiniest day of the primal ones

Oh¡ great lord almighty above
Who banished us from thine garden
Look down upon and accept my beloved one

This is my sacrifice prize to thee
Abel’s heart lifeless in the scorching blaze
Of the stone altar of holy blood

I’ve killed my own out of absolute love
The Abel’s blood was the seal of my heart
Oh¡ please brother forgive me for what I’ve done

My sacrificial prize to the one almighty
Met not the approval of him above
Forever I was cursed to wander beyond alone

From that day forth I was cursed
By my father and his father above
To repent for the prize I have given

But why have I been cursed so?
If have I not done what he asked for?
The sacrificial prize of holy blood?

Exiled to wander in ashes and dust
To be in the welcoming arms of the Cimmerian dusk
In the lands beyond of perpetual darkness

Cursed forever with immortality
Cursed forever with lust for blood
Cursed in loneliness

Cursed forever to not beget progeny
Cursed will be my off springs
Cursed by the words of damnation

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